Creative Vortex Power
Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink.
Tekst en schema verwijzen naar een samenvatting door Marielle Tromp van
Vitale Zorgverlener.
” By looking at the central "dot" (bindu) within this Yantra. you will synchronize your left and right brainwaves, which has HUGE mental health benefits, and immediately brings about a sense of calm and peace to the person using it. It also impacts the positive materialization of what you want, wish for, and desire.
Sri Yantra With Correct Colors : ” One of the oldest and most powerful symbols in human history; it’s the Hindu symbol for Creativity and Enlightenment. It is conceived as a place of spiritual pilgrimage. It is a representation of the cosmos at the macrocosmic level and of the human body at the microcosmic level (each of the circuits correspond to a chakra of the body).
Oefeningen die Balans versterken.
Zo maak je een mindmap in 7
Welke hersenhelft is dominant?
Breintest 123.
Ik leer in beelden.
Creatief denken/hersengym.
Beter leren met
Braintraining op verschillende manieren.
Voer voor de Rechterhersenhelft.
Ook u kunt tekenen.
in balans.Right-brain
in balans.
Activation of right and left side of the brain
Understanding Your Brain for Better Design
Monday’s medical myth: the right side of your brain controls creativity
How Our Brain Works When We Are Creative
How To Be Creative When Your Brain Doesn’t Want to Play
Train your Brain to be an Idea-Generating Machine
Learn how to use both sides of your brain
Right-Brained? Left-Brained? Take the Braintest!
Rediscover Your Right Brain Magic
Creativity and your left and right brain Functions
The Real Neuroscience of Creativity
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
The Benefits of Play for Adults
Creativity is not in one side of your brain
How Mindmaps Unleash The Creative Side of your Brain
How to use Mind Maps to Unleash Creativity
6 tips to inprove your Creativity